Who We are and why

In Nigeria, the fight against corruption and ineffective service delivery from the government is receiving increased attention and innovative ideas, especially in the open data advocacy space.

UDEME is a social accountability platform designed to hold the Nigerian government accountable for funds released for developmental projects. These projects usually are classified under capital, constituency and ecological projects and make up about 40% of Nigeria's annual budgets. To ascertain how these funds are spent, UDEME entails in-depth fieldwork through physical examination of projects and dissemination of generated information to the public space for citizens' awareness.

UDEME was established in 2018 by the Centre for Journalism Innovation and Development (CJID), formerly the Premium Times Centre for Investigative Journalism (PTCIJ). The Platform (www.udeme.africa) was launched on February 20th, 2018 - a repository of capital and constituency projects allocation from 2015 till date.


Tracked Projects



The main goals of the project are:

  • To demand greater accountability from the executives and legislatures in the financial and capital projects management of the National and state budgets.
  • To develop civic technology that enables citizens and the media to track, investigate and report any form of corruption in the procurement process and the implementation of capital allocation projects in the past and present national and state budgets.
udeme methodology


U-Monitors are selected student journalists who work as ground trotters on the UDEME project to amplify the activities of the government at the grassroots level. U-Monitors provide a significant impact on the work we do on UDEME as they contribute to eradicating citizen apathy in Nigeria and strengthening social accountability.

CJID created this program to boost the capacity and skills of campus trackers on grassroots engagements, by empowering them with the requisite information to disseminate to citizens. Since 2020 when the first phase was launched, we have deployed 84 U-Monitors who have gone on to pursue their careers in various fields.

The duties of a U-Monitor are:

  • Project tracking and reporting
  • Create relationships with community members and government MDAs
  • Citizen engagement eg semi townhalls, GetInvolved Week, media appearance (where necessary) etc
  • Advocate for good governance through social media, news reports, etc


MacArthur Foundation

Center for International Private Enterprise

We are incredibly grateful for the generous support of our funders who share our commitment to social accountability, transparency, and the fight against corruption in Nigeria. Their invaluable contributions enable us to empower citizens, provide rigorous oversight, and promote good governance.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

You can click on 'project' on our website to see all project documents available for download. If you are unable to do so, you can also contact us for assistance.
Yes, you can. Use the 'Submit report' to report projects from your community. Use the question prompts to submit the project
You can join our network of volunteers by sending us the status of projects in your community. You will not be paid for it. The U-Monitors program affords you the opportunity to become a paid volunteer on UDEME. Follow us on all social media platforms to know when the next round will be opening.
Yes, you can. However, UDEME works with project documents (federal, state or local government) which are evidence-based.
Yes, they are the same. ZIPs are projects nominated by lawmakers at the National Assembly. Please note that state legislators also nominate projects for their constituencies, tagged 'constituency projects' in most state budgets.

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